Open playtime at the Tiny Tumblers gym is available with a punch card!
How Open Play Work:
an RSVP by texting or Calling 717-332-6157 is Required for attendance to any Open play session. Day of RSVP must be made prior to 9am.
Pay $5 cash per child or purchase a Punch card. Cards are $20 (Saves you $5 ) and are good for five one-hour visits. Cards never expire! The cards can be used for a single child or multiple children during any open playtime session.
For example, if you bring three kids to a one-hour play session, this will use up three of your five visits and you will have two future visits left.
Punch cards can be purchased by credit card, check or cash at your first punch card playtime visit.
Open Playtime Regulations
- Parents or caregivers must stay and are responsible for the safety of their children during the play sessions.
- There is a maximum of 3 children per caregiver. If you are bringing four or more children, you must bring a second caregiver to assist you.
- Parents must accompany children on any of the equipment at Tiny Tumblers. It is the parent or caregiver’s responsibility to ensure the safety of the children they bring. This is not babysitting!
- Parents may not sit in the waiting area or on the gym floor during playtime.
- Tiny Tumblers will provide a staff member to monitor the gym for safety issues and move equipment if needed during the playtime.
How to Register
Punch card playtime dates and times are listed below. To be guaranteed a spot, you must RSVP by texting(best method) as early as possible but at least 24 hours in advance or calling 717-332-6157 with your name and the number of children attending. If you don’t RSVP there is a chance you will be turned away if the open play is already at its limit when you arrive. OPEN PLAY MAXIMUM IS 10 CHILDREN
February Dates:
Because of the messy forecast again this week only 2 days of open play
Monday 2/17 11-12
Wednesday 2/19 11:15-12:15
Schedule Updated Weekly
As always, if you have any questions, call or text Jeanie at 717-332-6157 or email